About us

 „TITAPS is committed to carrying out its business in a sustainable way. In order to promote the long-term interests of the company, its customers and business partners, the company strives to maintain the highest quality and ethical standards in all its business practices. Each employee is expected to act responsibly and to stand for such values, as Integrity, Excellence, Teamwork and Commitment.

Erika Esse (Managing Director)


Our company performs global operations from its Headquarters in Grünstadt, Germany and offers to our customers and business partners solutions in "Safety", "Sport & Hobby" as well as "Home & Garden" areas. 

In all the segments we leverage broaden experience and deep expertise of our developers and strive for employing cutting-edge technologies and solutions for our private and commercial customers. We guarantee timely supplies, services and support.

You may find information about our products and services on our homepage, in catalogues, from newsletter, hotline or simply by asking via email.

We are always in your disposual!